Saturday, October 22, 2022

Swept to horror

It was March 2020; the fourth quarterly examination were approaching, and we were about to finish seventh grade when it was announced that schools would be suspended due to COVID-19. I barely recall how excited we all were when the announcement of the one-week suspension of classes due to the COVID-19 outbreak was made. We had no idea that a week-long suspension would grow into a two-year nightmare.

A well-deserved break of two weeks made us the students, very pleased and grateful. But we didn't expect the two weeks to stretch into a month, then two months, then a year, and now two years of being stuck at home. 

The COVID-19 epidemic caused significant upheaval in all parts of life, particularly how classes were done both online and offline. The unexpected move to solely online methods of teaching and learning was caused by the Philippines Government's lockdowns. Which had a big impact on me as a student. Are you wondering how am I able to cope with it?  

At first, it was somewhat difficult. It was challenging for me to study on my own, absorb each lesson, and complete the modules without the assistance of others. I am easily distracted and find it difficult to concentrate. It was difficult, but I had to put in a lot of effort to finish my schoolwork while at home. Passing my answer sheets and other obligations became my only aim as time progressed, rather than learning. I also crammed several of my outputs, which resulted in me falling asleep at 1 or 2 a.m. To cope, I started watching movies, playing online games and talking to my friends. It was wonderful to wake up early, do housework, spend time with my family, and meet new internet pals. It was a roller coaster ride for me and everyone else.

We started and ended two school years without even attending to school, without any physical chit-chat with classmates, without any laughter, and without any assistance from parents or teachers. Two years of complaints, rage, frustration, self-teaching, and restless nights. We sob, but we never give up. We criticize but respond and submit on time. Answering these modules makes me want to give up on life, but here I am, still alive (lmao). 

I'm in 10th grade, and it feels like time has flown by. I now fully comprehend the teachings and am anxious to learn more. I can manage my time efficiently and devote attention to my hobbies, which I have not been able to do for the past two years. Now, I also get enough sleep, which is a huge accomplishment. I create specific goals to achieve in order to keep motivated and to avoid repeating past mistakes. Finally, I intend to love learning, which I was unable to accomplish previously.

As a student, I have been exposed to social isolation and disconnectedness, which can exacerbate emotions of worry, uncertainty, and loneliness and lead to emotional and behavioral difficulties. Being forced to stay at home may have increased the chance of family stress or abuse, both of which are risk factors for mental health disorders in some people. The pandemic was both tragic and life changing. It didn't hurt me physically, but I couldn't say the same for my emotional state. 

Household tasks, modules, developing, insufficient sleep, and self-taught modules are all challenges that I encounter. Regardless of how difficult, it's very satisfying to say that I made it through. I became the finest version of myself after these two years of experience.


stay home. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from


  1. Proud of you for facing these challenges during the pandemic and being the finest version of yourself ^^

  2. I'm happy to see you are doing better now. Let's all continue to work hard and enjoy our lives ^w^

  3. It was a quite a horrible experience that 2 years. It is great you managed to rise from it.


end of the chapter