Sunday, June 25, 2023

end of the chapter

Who would have believed that I would make it? Who would have believed that I would survive after those restless nights, breakdowns, and my darkest hours? 

I groggily pulled myself out of bed that fateful morning as the alarm rang nonstop. I had no idea that being physically prepared alone wouldn't be enough for the day ahead. The concept of tackling academic obstacles seemed totally out of reach because my mind was still clouded by the effects of the pandemic.

My heart fell as the teacher started talking about the subject schedules. The workload, the deadlines, and the expectations all appeared to me as an impossible mountain. Being mentally unprepared became painfully clear to me. I started to feel anxious as I compared myself to my classmates, who appeared to be knowledgeable about the subject.

But a glimmer of determination appeared amid the flurry of feelings. I told myself that this was just the start and that I had the opportunity to develop and learn. I made the decision to see the difficulties ahead as chances for academic and personal development rather than giving in to self-doubt. It was time to enjoy the journey, even if it meant putting myself in uncomfortable situations.

Moving forward, this blog acts as a time capsule for my experience in grade 10. From the most challenging lesson in ict—the history of the internet, where I discovered how pioneers like Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton Cerf — to the many html elements, community-based research, and, finally, the ms frontpage. While reflecting on my ICT studies, I must admit that quantifying the specific knowledge acquired is challenging. But I can guarantee that the memories and encounters from this journey will be treasured forever. 

I caught myself thinking about the "what ifs" and regrets that frequently come with ending a chapter. It's normal to consider what may have happened if I had done better in school.  

As I reach the end of my 10th-grade year in junior high school, the past quarter has been a period of growth and preparation for the next chapter of my academic journey—Senior High School.  Although it's hard to leave the comfortable junior high school corridors and classrooms behind, I can't wait to take on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. There have been many highs and lows, difficulties and successes this year. 

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Erin. Throughout this entire academic year, she has been there for me, offering a helping hand whenever I needed it. Your patience and willingness to explain concepts I found difficult have been invaluable. Whether it was late-night study sessions or navigating through the challenges of school projects, your presence has been a constant source of support.

To Ghav and Ashryne; whenever I felt overwhelmed or discouraged, you guys were always there to remind me of my capabilities and encourage me to keep going. Your presence has not only made my school life more enjoyable but has also taught me the importance of maintaining a positive mindset.

To Aian, thanks for your guidance and mentorship. Your patience, empathy, and ability to listen without judgment have made you an exceptional friend and mentor. I am truly grateful for his presence in my life.

JC, despite the current strain in our friendship, I want to say thank you for your encouragement and open ears during my rants about my love life and academics. Your understanding ear offered support and direction in times of need. I wish you well and hope that we both find insight, progress, and fulfillment in our lives as we continue on our respective journeys.

To my Lee, I couldn't have made it through this without you. With everything, you've been a huge help to me. You witnessed both my happiest and darkest moments. Finding someone who actually cares and takes the time to listen is a rare and priceless gift in a world that frequently speeds past our emotions. For me, you were successful in that way. You have constantly been there for me, lending me your reassuring presence and establishing a safe space for me to express my most profound emotions, whether they have been tears of pleasure or tears of sorrow. I gained a lot from your constant willingness to offer me an ear and put up with my rants. Your shoulders were always open for me to cry on. You never hesitated to be there for me whenever I needed comfort. thankyou, love;)

I want to express my gratitude to my classmates for being a part of my junior high school adventure because without you, the journey would not have been the same. Never would it be this amazing, enjoyable, or thrilling. We will all blaze our own trails while pursuing our different passions and interests. The friendships and memories we have made, will always be valued. 

Thankyou to our subject teachers, especially Ma'am Vera Cruz, who made it possible for us to create a simple blog post on this school year's experiences. thankyou ma'am ;))

I find solace in the lyrics of "Scott Street." They serve as a gentle reminder that even as we embark on our separate paths, the connections we have forged must remain strong. So, to my fellow classmates, I implore you: anyway, don't be a stranger. Let us embrace the memories we have shared and the growth we have witnessed in each other. As we step into the uncharted territories of the future, let our friendship and support continue to thrive. May we always find comfort and encouragement in the knowledge that, no matter the distance or the passage of time, we will forever have a place in each other's heart.

Nothing will ever be the same in that room. The main building won't ever be the same. I'll never forget the tears we've all shed, the joys and struggles we've both experienced as I walked there. SSC, thank you for the four years. Thankyou for giving me an oppurtunity. I will forever be grateful. 

Hanggang sa muli, All is well, MAXWELL. 

the end...

Envisioning Success

As a passionate and ambitious 15-year-old human being with a dream of making a difference in the field of medical technologies in Canada, I eagerly anticipate who I will become after 10 years. The journey towards achieving my aspirations is filled with dedication, perseverance, and continuous learning. By the time I turn 25, I envision myself as a successful and accomplished professional in the realm of medical technologies.

I would have specialized in areas such as clinical laboratory science, medical imaging, or biomedical engineering. Through rigorous academic study and practical experiences, I would have gained a deep understanding of the intricacies of medical technologies and their applications in healthcare.

With my education as a strong foundation, I see myself working in a dynamic and innovative environment. Whether it is a hospital, research institution, or medical technology company, I will actively contribute to advancements in healthcare. As a medical technologist, I would utilize state-of-the-art technologies to aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions. My expertise would be instrumental in improving patient outcomes and enhancing the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery.

I envision myself as a proactive and forward-thinking individual, always seeking opportunities to innovate and improve existing technologies. By staying updated with the latest advancements and trends, I would contribute to the development of cutting-edge medical devices, diagnostic tools, or therapeutic solutions. This would involve collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, including healthcare professionals, and researchers, to bridge the gap between science and practical implementation.

After 10 years of dedicated effort, as a 25-year-old woman pursuing my dream of being in the field of medical technologies, I will have emerged as a successful and influential professional. With a solid educational background, hands-on experience, and a relentless drive for innovation, I would play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare. By leveraging my skills and knowledge, I would strive to improve patient care, contribute to medical advancements, and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals around the world.

Rae, S. (2017, October 10). brown dried leaves on sand. Unsplash.

Monday, May 22, 2023

be the change

As I look around the world today, it's clear that change is desperately needed. Societies are grappling with issues such as inequality, injustice, and environmental degradation. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder if anything can truly make a difference. However, I firmly believe that change starts with me.

Every individual has the power to initiate change in their own lives and the lives of those around them. By taking responsibility for our actions and choices, we can set an example for others and inspire them to do the same. It is a personal journey that requires self-reflection, determination, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

First and foremost, change starts with me in how I treat others. I believe in the power of empathy and kindness. By approaching people with understanding and compassion, I can create an environment that fosters cooperation and harmony. Small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect, spreading positivity and prompting others to act in a similar manner. Whether it's offering a helping hand to someone in need or simply listening attentively to a friend, these actions can make a significant difference in someone's life.

Furthermore, change starts with me in how I choose to live sustainably and protect the environment. The choices I make as a consumer, such as reducing my carbon footprint, recycling, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives, contribute to a healthier planet. By embracing sustainable practices and encouraging others to do the same, I can help preserve our natural resources for future generations. Each individual's commitment to environmental stewardship can collectively create a significant impact on the health of our planet.

Change also starts with me in challenging social norms and advocating for equality. By educating myself about different cultures, experiences, and perspectives, I can develop a broader understanding of the world. I can actively combat discrimination and injustice by speaking out against them, promoting inclusivity, and supporting organizations that champion equality. Through respectful dialogue and a willingness to learn, I can contribute to a more tolerant and equitable society.

Moreover, change starts with me in my personal growth and development. By constantly seeking knowledge, embracing new ideas, and honing my skills, I can become a better version of myself. Personal growth not only benefits me but also enables me to have a more significant impact on the world around me. By striving for excellence, I can inspire others to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Each one of us has the power to make a difference through our actions, choices, and attitudes. By treating others with kindness, living sustainably, challenging social norms, and investing in personal growth, we can create a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves. Instead of waiting for change to come from external forces, let us embrace the responsibility and be the catalysts for the change we wish to see in the world. Together, we can make a significant difference and create a brighter future for all. 

If we want change, it starts with ourselves.

Reference : Jordan, B. (2020, December 4). brown wooden blocks on white surface. Unsplash.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

super mom

Mother's Day is a special occasion that holds immense significance for me, as it provides an opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering love and support of my mother. However, as the daughter of an overseas Filipino worker (OFW), celebrating this day can be challenging due to the distance between us. 

Mother's Day is a celebration of motherhood and the sacrifices and hard work that go into raising a family. It is a day to honor and appreciate the countless ways that mothers provide care, support, and guidance to their children. For me, Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the profound impact my mother has had on my life and express my gratitude for her love and devotion.

Being the daughter of an OFW, celebrating Mother's Day can be bittersweet. While I am grateful for the sacrifices my mother makes to provide for our family, I also miss her terribly, especially on special occasions like Mother's Day. Her absence can make it difficult to fully celebrate and express our appreciation.

Despite the distance, my family and I make it a priority to celebrate Mother's Day together. This year, my father, sister, and I decided to have lunch together and reminisce about all the cherished memories we have with our mother. Although my mother was not physically present, we felt her love and presence with us through our memories and the stories we shared.

Celebrating Mother's Day also serves as an opportunity to honor the sacrifices my mother has made as an OFW. She works tirelessly to provide for our family, and we are forever grateful for her dedication and hard work. While we cannot fully repay her for all that she has done for us, celebrating Mother's Day allows us to express our appreciation and gratitude for all that she does.

Mother's Day is more than just a holiday; it is a reminder to appreciate and cherish the love and sacrifice of our mothers. It is a day to reflect on their unwavering support and dedication and express our gratitude for all that they do. Even though celebrating Mother's Day with an OFW mother can be challenging, it is essential to make the effort to honor and celebrate them.

To all mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day ! 

Monday, May 15, 2023

araw ng paggawa

Labor Day holds immense significance to me as it serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles and triumphs of laborers across various industries. I deeply understand the significance of this day and the pressing need to address the issue of unequal treatment faced by laborers.

Labor Day represents more than just a day off work; it symbolizes the collective efforts of workers who have fought tirelessly for fair treatment, improved working conditions, and equitable rights. It serves as a reminder of the accomplishments of the labor movement and its ongoing mission to advocate for the well-being and dignity of all workers.

Labor Day is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of laborers in shaping the fabric of our society. From farmers and factory workers to healthcare professionals and service providers, every laborer plays a vital role in the functioning of our communities and the progress of our nation. Their hard work and dedication deserve acknowledgement and appreciation.

Despite the progress made, it is crucial to acknowledge the persistence of unequal treatment among laborers. Many workers continue to face challenges such as low wages, lack of job security, inadequate benefits, and unsafe working conditions. This disparity not only undermines the well-being of individuals and families but also hampers the overall progress of society.

Labor Day serves as a call to action, urging us to address the inequities faced by laborers. It reminds us of the need to advocate for fair wages, safe working environments, and equal opportunities for career growth. It is a day to stand in solidarity with laborers and support efforts to eliminate discrimination, exploitation, and the marginalization of workers from all backgrounds.

Labor Day provides an ideal moment to express our gratitude to the laborers who contribute to our daily lives and the prosperity of our communities. Whether through words of appreciation, acts of kindness, or supporting fair labor practices, we can show solidarity with workers and contribute to a more just and equitable society.

Labor Day serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles and accomplishments of laborers. Let us use Labor Day as a catalyst for action, striving to create a society where every laborer is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect. Together, we can build a future where the laborer's contributions are truly valued and celebrated.

Sa lahat ng mga manggagawang Pilipino, Happy Labor's Day! 

Saludo ako sainyo! 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

only one quarter left to go

We have one more quarter before we start senior high school. The first week of the third quarter seems to have just passed. While this quarter is different from the previous two, it is also harder. One of my favorite memories from my time in grade 10 is going on a rollercoaster during the weeks of third quarter. Despite the fact that our subject is challenging to comprehend and that several of our lecturers are sometimes absent due to a variety of significant circumstances, it is a race against time.

Reflecting on my performance during quarter 3, I am proud of my accomplishments but also recognize areas where I could improve. One of the biggest challenges I faced during this quarter was the fact that my teachers were not always present, making it difficult to study and learn effectively.

Despite this obstacle, I managed to maintain good scores and complete all of my assignments to the best of my abilities. However, I know that I could have done even better if I had more support and guidance from my teachers. Without their presence in the classroom, I often found myself struggling to understand certain topics and concepts.

To overcome this challenge, I had to be proactive in seeking out additional resources and support. I turned to online tutorials and videos to supplement my learning, and I sought help from my peers when I needed it. I also made an effort to communicate with my teachers when they were available, asking questions and seeking feedback on my work.

Looking ahead, I know that I need to continue to be proactive in my learning and seek out additional resources to supplement my education. I also recognize the importance of communicating with my teachers and seeking their support when I need it.

Despite the challenges I faced during quarter 3, I am proud of my accomplishments and am determined to continue to grow and improve as a student. I know that with hard work and dedication, I can overcome any obstacle and achieve my goals.

What the upcoming quarter has in store excites me. Junior high will soon come to an end as there is only one quarter left to go. 

Babushhh Quarter 3, Salamuch!!


Sunday, April 16, 2023

lenten season !

The Lenten season is a significant time for Christians worldwide, and it is a time of reflection, penance, and spiritual renewal. In the Philippines, many schools and universities observe a week-long break during this season, giving students an opportunity to focus on their faith and participate in religious activities.

During this break, I decided to take the opportunity to observe the Lenten season in a more meaningful way. Last Holy Saturday, I went to church to light up candles and ask for forgiveness for my sins. The solemn atmosphere of the church, combined with the flickering candles, created an atmosphere of introspection and spirituality.

The following day, I and my family decided to take a trip to Pagudpud, a scenic coastal town in the northern part of the Philippines. The trip was an opportunity for me to connect with nature, appreciate God's creation, and reflect on the meaning of the Lenten season.

As I strolled along the pristine beaches and admired the rugged cliffs, I was reminded of God's infinite power and wisdom. I felt humbled and grateful to be alive and to witness the wonders of his creation. The trip was a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude, humility, and mindfulness in the Christian life.

Lenten season is a time of introspection, reflection, and spiritual renewal, and it is essential for us to take the opportunity to observe this season in a meaningful way. Whether it is through lighting candles in church or taking a trip to appreciate God's creation, we should use this time to grow closer to God and recommit ourselves to living a holy and righteous life. The Lenten season is an opportunity to reflect on the blessings that we have received and the actions that we can take to improve ourselves and help others.

end of the chapter